Do you know that social apps like Facebook, Telegram and WhatsApp delivers a compressed version of the image you send to someone on the platform? This measure is to minimize data consumption and to fit in most devices but Facebook has now increased the image resolution allowed on the messenger app. Now it's doubled, mean. The resolution on Facebook Messenger has been “2K” for a while - or 2048 x 2048 pixels . But the latest update will now allow you to send photos at up to 4096 x 4096 pixels .
Most smartphones nowadays use 12MP cameras, whose highest dimension is between 4000 and 4048 pixels long. So if you send photos from phones like iPhone X, Pixel 2, or Samsung Galaxy S8 or Note8, your recipient should get them at full resolution.
Additionally, Facebook disclosed that the photos will be sent “just ask quickly as before”, so there must be some new kind of file size reduction at play as well.
The Facebook 4K higher resolution image is now rolling out on iPhone and Android to users in the US, Canada, France, Australia, the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea. Meanwhile, more countries are expected to get this feature any moment.
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Facebook Increases Image Resolution on Messenger
Reviewed by admin
November 22, 2017
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