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Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition is out now on Android

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Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition has finally launched on Android, following its announcement late last year. Square Enix has shrunk it down for mobile in a chibi style.
You only have to tap to play it as well. That includes walking, talking to NPCs, and battling the various monsters you face on your quest.
You can grab Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition on Android right now
The story’s the same as well. You play as Noctis, the prince of Lucis, who is on his way to wed Lunafreya in a peace treaty between Lucis and Niflheim.
It’s episodic, and the first episode is absolutely free. You can then purchase and download nine more episodes if you enjoy it and want to complete the quest.
So you’ve really got nothing to lose by heading on over HERE
right now and downloading it.
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Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition is out now on Android Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition is out now on Android Reviewed by admin on February 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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