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AnonyTun Beta VPN Settings For Glo 0.00kb Free Browsing Cheat

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Glo free browsing cheat is back via AnonyTun Beta VPN and it's unlimited. The reason why this cheat started working again is because Glo network signal has started appearing even without active data plan and Airtime. You need to apply the settings now to enjoy the cheat before it gets blocked.

Are you confused on how to setup AnonyTun Beta for Glo free browsing cheat? Okay, here is working AnonyTun Beta VPN settings for Glo 0.0kb unlimited free browsing cheat on android phones and tablets.
After providing the download link for this cracked AnonyTun Beta VPN (without ads), some people who are probably new to this app pleaded that I should provide the settings so that they can also enjoy the free stuff. So I have provided the settings and configurations including the screenshots for more easier understanding.

But before we move ahead, you need to know the requirements and all the information you need before using this amazing app. Note that it's not written in English language so it may confuse you on how to setup that's one of the reasons I decided to provide this settings.

Glo Sim
Stable Glo Network
AnonyTun Beta VPN

* Name: WizyTechs
* APN : gloflat
*️ APN Type : Default, Supl
* Proxy : Blank
* Port : Blank
* Username : flat
*️ Password: flat

* Name : kolite
* APN : glosecure
*️ APN Type : Default, Supl
* Proxy: Blank
* Port: Blank
* Username : secure
* Password: secure

* First, download AnonyTun Beta Apk
* Launch the app, you will notice it's not fully written in English language like the official app that contains ads.
*️ Now click on CONFIGURACIÓN
(stealth settings)
* Then turn on Stealth Tunnel
* Change Protocolo to HTTP
* Change Puerto to 80
* Next tick PAYLOAD
* Click Editar Payload (Custom TCP/HTTP Headers)
* Then apply below settings
* URL/Host: redirect.glo.com
* Request method: POST
* Injection method: Normal
* Tick User-Agent
* Leave other boxes un-ticked
* Now click on Generate, then Save
* Finally, go back to the app homepage and click on CONNECTAR , wait a few seconds for AnonyTun Beta to connect.
It will connect and you should see what is called fast browsing and more Interestingly, nothing like ads disturbing you.

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AnonyTun Beta VPN Settings For Glo 0.00kb Free Browsing Cheat AnonyTun Beta VPN Settings For Glo 0.00kb Free Browsing Cheat Reviewed by admin on June 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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